An Alternative Guide To Rome: Going Off The Beaten Path

Here is the first piece in a series I will be adding to the category “Wishlist” for upcoming trips to Italy. I’m always looking for different and additional things to do when returning to Italian cities.

Living In Italy.Moving To Italy. Loving In Italy. Laughing In Italy.

You don’t want to be one of those tourists – paying €10 for a pizza in a restaurant near the Trevi Fountain, and ordering off a menu that comes in six languages. Pizza is great, but it shouldn’t cost €10. The Trevi Fountain is great too, but there’s so much more to see – fascinating Roman ruins and underrated art galleries that attract a fraction of the visitors they deserve. It’s easy to avoid the crowds in Rome, and if you go off the beaten path, you’ll get to see some of the most interesting parts of Rome, while paying less, eating more authentic food, and mingling with the locals.
I’m not an expert, but I’ve experienced Rome as both a tourist and an expat, having lived here for nearly three years. The advice below is the same advice I would give to any friend that came to visit me…

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  1. I really enjoyed this post! These art galleries that are so easily passed over are worthy of a good mention. And the neighborhoods… so much great information.


    1. I agree, and that’s why I shared it. I’ve been to Rome several times now, so I’m looking for different things to see and do.

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